We will try our best to list commonly-used parts for SYX MOTO bike, so you can try to search parts name first. If not, Here is how:


If the parts is listed

A. Find it in navigator

1. Visit syxmoto.com.

2. Click the main menu and then click Parts & Accessories>Parts.

Click Parts & Accessories

Click Parts

3. Choose the parts you need and add to cart, visit your cart to checkout or click Buy it Now to checkout.

input quantity, buy it now

You can also search the parts name you need on the top of our store. If you cannot find it in the result, try to use other names of the parts.

input the name

If the parts not listed online

1. Contact our parts department

email [email protected] with your information, including  parts  name and  bike model preferred, your full shipping address

2. Place an order


Click the product link, add how much you need to your cart and then checkout. For example, if the cost for the parts is $30, adjust the quanitity to 30 and then click Buy it Now to checkout.

3. Last but not least, after paid, copy the order number and send it to [email protected].